Power Tool
The Power Tool is multitool and part of the Modular Powersuits Mod.
The Tool modules can be adjusted using the Overclock slider bar in the Tinker Table interface. Each of the three tool modules require a Solenoid and 3 Iron Ingots to install.
- Shovel - Makes the Power Tool act like a shovel.
- Axe - Makes the Power Tool act like an axe.
- Pickaxe - Makes the Power Tool act like a pickaxe.
- Diamond Drill Upgrade - Add diamonds to allow your pickaxe module to mine obsidian. *REQUIRES PICKAXE MODULE TO WORK* (Requires a Solenoid and 3 Diamond).
- Aqua Affinity - Reduces the speed penalty for using your tool underwater. This can be adjusted using the Overclock slider. (Requires a Servo Motor)
- Basic Battery - Integrate a battery to allow the item to store energy. (Requires 1 LV Capacitor)
- Advance Battery - Integrate a more advance battery to store more energy. (Requires 1 MV Capacitor)
- Elite Battery - Integrate the most advance battery to store an extensive amount of energy. (Requires 1 HV Capacitor)
Tutorial Video
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