Blink Drive

Blink Drive

Modular Powersuits









The Blink Drive is a Power Tool upgrade that lets you jump vast distances similar to Ender Pearls but instead of throwing the Ender peal you instantly teleport to where you are looking at. A Blink Drive requires two Force Field Emitters and one Ion Thruster to create one Blink Drive module on your Power Tool.


The Blink Drive itself is assembled in the Tinker Table, it has no crafting recipe.

Force Field Emitter

Solenoid Ender Pearl Solenoid Force Field Emitter
Ender Pearl Solenoid Ender Pearl
Solenoid Ender Pearl Solenoid

Ion Thruster

  Force Field Emitter Solenoid Ion Thruster
Iron Ingot Glowstone Dust  
Iron Ingot Force Field Emitter Solenoid

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