Power Armor Torso

Revision as of 20:35, 28 March 2013 by BeckBroJack (talk | contribs) (Tutorial Video)
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Power Armor Torso
Power Armor Torso

Modular Powersuits







The Power armor torso is part of the Modular Powersuits mod. It is useless unless attachments are added on via the Tinker Table.



Iron Plating - Basic plating is heavy but protective. (Requires 1 Basic Plating)
Diamond Plating - Advanced plating is lighter, harder, and more protective then basic, but hard to make. (Requires 1 Advanced plating)
Energy Shield: - Energy shields are much lighter then plating, but consume energy. (Requires 2 Force Field Emitter)


Basic Battery - Integrate a battery to allow the item to store energy. (Requires 1 LV Capacitor)
Advance Battery - Integrate a more advance battery to store more energy. (Requires 1 MV Capacitor)
Elite Battery - Integrate the most advance battery to store an extensive amount of energy. (Requires 1 HV Capacitor)


Glider - Tack on some wings to turn downward into forward momentum. Press sneak+forward while falling to activate. (Requires 2 Glider Wing)
Parachute - Add a parachute to slow your descent. Activate by pressing sneak in midair. (Requires 2 Parachute)
Jetpack - Gives the player the ability to fly. Hold jump button to use, runs on battery power. (Requires 4 Ion Thruster)


Custom Colour Module - Gives your armor some coloured tinting to customize your armors appearance. (Requires 1 Hologram Emitter)
Transparent Armor - Make the item transparent, so you can show off your skin without losing armor. (Requires 1 Hologram Emitter)


Steel Plate   Steel Plate Power Armor Torso
Basic Circuit Steel Plate Basic Circuit
Steel Plate Steel Plate Steel Plate

Tutorial Video

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