Refined Obsidian

Refined Obsidian
Refined Obsidian



Solid Block


An iron pickaxe or better is required to mine this block


Yes (64)

Refined Obsidian is a handy block crafted with 9 Obsidian Ingots. It serves as a normal decoration block, but with a small glow. When shift+right-clicked, it will display a GUI that credits the mod's developer, aidancbrady, as well as an information panel displaying the mod's current version, most newest version, and latest news. You can update the mod's core module directly by clicking the 'Update' button. It will delete your current Mekanism core module and replace it with the latest version. Note that this process is multithreaded, allowing you to continue playing while it downloads.


Obsidian Ingot Obsidian Ingot Obsidian Ingot Refined Obsidian
Obsidian Ingot Obsidian Ingot Obsidian Ingot
Obsidian Ingot Obsidian Ingot Obsidian Ingot

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