The paxel is, as the name suggests, is a combination of the Pickaxe, Axe and Shovel. It replaces the 3 tools with one useful multi-use tool. This gives you 2 extra spaces in your inventory. While it does save time and space (you do not have to switch tools when dealing with wood, gravel and stone) the pickaxe, axe and shovels' durability do not combine meaning the tool will wear out much faster than if you had 3 separate tools.
It can be crafted with the vanilla Minecraft materials (stone, iron, diamond etc.) as well as with materials added by the modpack. Platinum tools and up can all be used to break obsidian. It is interesting that the diamond paxel breaks obsidian the slowest along with platinum. Some of the materials (obsidian) might need to forgo further refining before they can be used to create tools.