Rocket Crafting Table

Rocket Crafting Table
No block image.png








The Rocket Crafting Table is used in Galaticraft to make a Spaceship this is important because there is no other ways of making the Spaceship! Once the player has made the Spaceship they can then get to the Moon.

It is also used to make Moon Buggies using a Moon Buggy Schematic. The Spaceship's can be changed by putting a chest in one of the three green box's in the top right corner of the GUI. This will craft a Spaceship with storage.

NASA Workbench.gif


Crafting Recipe

The crafting recipe for the Rocket Crafting Table requires 3 Steel, 4 Steel Plates, a Crafting Table, and an Advanced Circuit.

Steel Ingot Steel Ingot Steel Ingot Grid layout Arrow (small).png File:Grid Rocket Crafting Table.png
Steel Plate Crafting Table Steel Plate
Steel Plate Advanced Circuit Steel Plate


  • The Rocket Crafting Table used to be named NASA Workbench.

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