Debilitation Explosive

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Debilitation Explosive
Debilitation Explosive








First Appearance


Upon the detonation of a Debilitation Explosive it will release chemicals for about 30 seconds. Any players that are near it will be blinded, feel nauseated and slow down. Also the Debilitation Explosive is used to craft the more potent Chemical Explosive. The Debilitation Explosive will not cause any damage but can be used as a useful distraction device as a grenade or mine.

Crafting Recipe

Debilitation Explosive

Sulfur Sulfur Sulfur Debilitation Explosive
Water Bucket Repulsive Explosive Water Bucket
Sulfur Sulfur Sulfur

Debilitation Grenade

String     Debilitation Grenade
Debilitation Explosive    

Chemical Explosive

Poison Powder Poison Powder Poison Powder Chemical Explosive
Poison Powder Debilitation Explosive Poison Powder
Poison Powder Poison Powder Poison Powder

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