Chemical Synthesis Machine

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Chemical Synthesis Machine








The Chemical Synthesis Machine is the most complex of the three major machines in the MineChem mod. It is used to create items and blocks from the elements and compounds produced by the Chemical Decomposer.

The Synthesis Machine has several requirements before it can be used. Firstly, it must be powered (as with the Decomposer). Secondly, a Chemist's Journal with the player's chosen recipe selected must be placed in the far left slot. Finally, the elements and compounds required by the recipe should be placed in the bottom inventory of the machine. Once these conditions are met, an image of the item to be synthesized will appear in the top right slot. To retrieve synthesized items, simply click the image in the top right (as you would with a crafting table).

Once the elements and compounds in the bottom inventory have been synthesized into items, the Test Tubes they were contained in will be returned in the bottom right set of slots of the machine.

Crafting Recipe

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