Railgun Bullet

Revision as of 14:05, 18 February 2013 by Calclavia (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Block |invimage= Conventional Bullet |mod=ICBM |stackable = Yes (16) }} The railgun bullet is of course, used in railguns. There are two types of bullets avali...")
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Railgun Bullet
Conventional Bullet







Yes (16)

The railgun bullet is of course, used in railguns. There are two types of bullets avaliable. The conventional bullet and the antimatter bullet.
The conventional bullet is a normal bullet used by the railgun. The antimatter bullet however carries an antimatter charge with it in its tip and it has the ability to eliminate red matter as well as bedrock. The explosion side created by the antimatter bullet is also a lot bigger. The antimatter bullet
is significantly more expensive than the conventional bullet.


Conventional Bullet

Diamond     Conventional Bullet
Bronze Ingot    
Bronze Ingot    

Antimatter Bullet

Antimatter (1 gram)     Antimatter Bullet
Conventional Bullet    
Conventional Bullet    
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