Copper Wire

Revision as of 03:22, 27 November 2014 by NuggetX3 (talk | contribs) (Notes on Copper Wires weaknesses.)
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Copper Wire
Copper Wire

Basic Components


Power Transfer

Input Voltage


Output Voltage








The copper wire is a basic wire created out of Copper Ore. It has a moderate conductivity and can be used to transfer electricity with low voltage.

You need to plug the wires into its corresponding slots in various machines to get them to work. This copper wire is insulated so you will not be electrocuted when in contact (touching it). On the contrary, uninsulated wires are dangerous as they CAN shock you. (about 5 shocks will kill you). Also note that water does not affect either uninsulated nor insulated.

Electrical Expansion overwrites this recipes if you installed Electrical Expansion.

This wire has a resistance of 500 mΩ (milliOhm) and a Max amps of 1 kA (1000 Amps)


Insulated Copper Wire

White Wool Copper Ingot White Wool Insulated Copper Wire6
White Wool Copper Ingot White Wool
White Wool Copper Ingot White Wool
      Insulated Copper Wire
Uninsulated Copper Wire White Wool  

Uninsulated Copper Wire

  Copper Ingot   Uninsulated Copper Wire6
  Copper Ingot  
  Copper Ingot  

Copper Wire Variation

      Copper Wire
  Insulated Copper Wire  
      Insulated Copper Wire
  Copper Wire  


Copper Wire is a cheap, easy way to connect power sources to machines and vice versa. However, it is weak and cannot hadle large amouts of energy. You will need to use alternatives such as some Power Cable when utilising Nuclear energy. Even a few solar pannels riged to one battery will result in the wire exploding and burning down your impervious wool base.

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