
Revision as of 13:03, 21 October 2013 by Mastergalen (talk | contribs)
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Barbed wire is probably one of the most common defensive items when building fences and bases. Not only does it get significant damage (half a heart per tick), it also slows the player done as well as the get "tangled" in the mess. It is essentially a combination of a spider web and a cactus.

Barbed Wire Crafting

All you need is 5 Iron Ingots, 4 pieces of flint. Simply put the iron ingots in an "x" shape, and then the flint pieces in the middle parts (shown below). For each set, you get 5 pieces of barbed wire. They can be placed just about anywhere, similar to fences and iron bars.

Iron Ingot Flint Iron Ingot Barbedwire5
Flint Iron Ingot Flint
Iron Ingot Flint Iron Ingot

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