
Revision as of 13:24, 20 October 2013 by Mastergalen (talk | contribs)
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Assembly Line








The encoder is a device used to encode data onto a Disk which is used to give an Armbot certain commands. These commands allow the armbot to preform all of its needed tasks to be used on the assembly line. To view/modify a disk, first you must put a disk in the empty disk slot. Once you do that, if it has any commands on it already, it will list them in order they are processed by the Armbot. To add a command to the list, simply type in the command you want (listed above), and then click the plus sign. To remove a command, click on the command in the list so that it is highlighted, and then click the minus button. An Armbot will process the commands in the same order that they are added so be sure to have commands in the right order.


Command name Description
ROTATE [YAW] [PITCH] Rotates the bot by the specified amounts
ROTATETO [YAW] [PITCH] Rotates the bot to the exact angles specified
GRAB Tries to grab an item at the claw. Will wait for an item if there isn't one already.
DROP Drops an item if one is being held
FIRE [VELOCITY = 1.0] Throws an item. If it is an item, it throws one item. If it is an arrow, it fires the arrow as if it was coming from a bow. If specified it will fire at a custom VELOCITY.
USE Tries to use a block at the claw. An example of a usable block is the Imprinter. The bot will attempt to craft the item in the imprinter and pull it out into the claw.
REPEAT [COMMANDS] [TIMES] Repeats the last COMMANDS commands (defaults to whole program) TIMES times. If TIMES is not specified it will repeat indefinitely.
IDLE [TICKS] Idles the bot for the specified amount of in-game ticks.
RETURN Returns the bot to the home position.
BREAK Break the block at the claw, will wait for block if there isn't one


Steel Ingot   Steel Ingot Encoder
Steel Ingot Elite Circuit Steel Ingot
Steel Ingot Steel Ingot Steel Ingot

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