Laser Emitter

Revision as of 21:16, 5 May 2013 by SonarBeserk (talk | contribs) (add recipe)
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Laser Emitter
Laser Emitter

Complex Machines







Laser emitters, when powered, create a blue beam by default. You can right click the laser emitter with different modifiers:

  • Redstone: The laser beam will emit redstone current.
  • Nether Star: The laser beam will apply a severe debuff to anyone crossing it
  • Diamond Sword: The laser beam will harm any players or mobs to anyone hit by the laser.
  • Glass: Works similar to the Sword, but the laser beam is almost invisible
  • Diamond Pickaxe: The laser will slowly destroy and stone in it's path, using additional power.
  • Water Bucket: The laser electrifies water, dealing damage to all nearby entities in water.
  • Minecart: The laser pulls Mobs and Items hit by the laser inwards to the emitter.
  • Seeds: These create flux, based on conways game of life. At this time, flux has no practical purpose, it is intended as a fun, sandbox toy.
  • String:This is a tripwire laser. Whenever an entity crosses the laser, the laser emitter will emit redstone.

Crafting Recipe

Diamond Glowstone Diamond Laser_Emitter
Glowstone Elite Circuit Glowstone
Diamond Glowstone Diamond
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