Biometric Identifier

Revision as of 15:08, 30 April 2013 by Mastergalen (talk | contribs)
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Biometric Identifier











To use the Biometric Identifer, you must have a blank Identification Card. This can only currently achieved by using creative mode.

Place the Identifcation Card into the top left hand slot and set the username and what rights you want to assign it.

If you want to be assigned master of the Biometric Indentifer then place the finished Identifcation Card into the Master slot.

Activate the Biometric Identifer by clicking the Redstone Torch in the Top-Left corner of the GUI. Once activated, the Biometric Identifer will light up and activate it's effects.

If you want more functionlity with the Biometric Identifer then use a Interdiction Matrix as well.

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