Strange Matter

Revision as of 23:36, 29 April 2013 by Mastergalen (talk | contribs) (Reverted edits by PleaseGiveMeAChance (talk) to last revision by Mastergalen)
Strange Matter
Strange Matter

Atomic Science









"Strange Matter is...well..strange. The methods of obtaining strange matter remain a mystery, but it is sometimes found near antimatter colliders..."

Strange Matter Production

Main article: Particle Accelerator

The only way to obtain Strange Matter is by colliding two particles from a Particle Accelerator or having a particle travel over an empty block. In either event, the particle(s) will explode and will have an approximately 2% chance of producing strange matter. The explosion created by the particle(s) do not hurt the player, and are entirely harmless. The minimum distance a particle must travel to explode is two blocks from the accelerator.

Strange Matter Recipes

Red Matter Explosives requires 8 Strange Matter and 1 Ender Explosive to be crafted. The crafting recipe for Red Matter Explosives becomes outdated in later Voltz versions.

Strange Matter Strange Matter Strange Matter Red Matter Explosives
Strange Matter Ender Explosives Strange Matter
Strange Matter Strange Matter Strange Matter

Video Tutorials

Compact design on how to generate strange matter using Particle Accelerators:

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