MFFS Extractor

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<the mffs extractor has 6 sides 4 green 1 red and 1 gray
br />green is just a decorative side and has no use as far is am am aware.
red this is the input u need to conect this side to a wire.
gray this is the vieuw screen with some information it like this

MFFS Extractor

WE 0%
WC left: 0
FE Cap: 0%

WE. if this reaces a 100% it wil generate 12k FE
WC. 1 forcicum is 250 WC each time WE reatches 100% it wil be reduced by 1
FE the amount of power stored the maximum storege capasety is 1 milion FE

MFFS Extractor
MFFS Extractor








MFFS Extractor Recipe

  Basic Circuit   Extractor
MFFS Force Energy Crystal Coal Generator MFFS Force Energy Crystal
  Battery Box  

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