Fluid Mechanics is a simple Liquid and mechanical support system for other mods. On its own its only go for collecting & storing liquids. However, some mods benefit from it if they use the forge Liquid API system like RailCraft, Forestry, Steam Power, and Atomic Science.
Key Features
Liquids - Steam, Water, Lava, WasteLiquid
Pipes - Used to move any Liquid, Comes in 16 sub types that are selective
Pumps - Sucks up the liquid under it
Tanks - Used to store liquids, comes in 16 sub types that are selective
Release Valve - Used to drain liquid out of tank and move it to pipes
Mechanical Rods - Translates mechanical motion from one thing to another in a strait line
Engine - A simple motor to either create energy for UE or to create mechanical motion
This mod was once part of Steam power but was later split at the request of Calclavia
The mod used to be named "Basic Pipes" but was later renamed to Liquid Mechanics then to Fluid Mechanics.
The model for the pipe use to use the same model as basicComponent's wires. It was later change after someone submitted an incomplete model with a similar design as the current
Steel Plate and Motor in basic Components use to be original part of this mod