Iron Ore

Revision as of 16:23, 23 February 2013 by Mastergalen (talk | contribs)
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The official article can be found over at the official Minecraft wiki:

Iron Ore

Solid Block


A stone pickaxe or better is required to mine this block


Yes (64)

Iron Ore can be smelted into Iron Ingots, enriched into 2 Iron Dust or purified in a Purification Chamber into an Iron Clump. You can also combine 8 Iron Dust with Cobblestone in a Combiner to make Iron Ore.


Iron (Ore) Iron Ingot


This section requires expansion.

You can put Iron Ore into an Enrichment Chamber to enrich it into 2 Iron Dust.

Double your Iron Ingots!

There is a way to double your amount of Iron Ingots that you can get from Iron Ores.

Put your Iron Ores into an Enrichment Chamber, this will make 2 Iron Dust for each 1 Iron Ore.
Next put your Iron Dust into a Furnace or smelting machine to create Iron Ingots! Each Iron Dust is smelted into one Iron Ingot.


You can purify Iron Ore in a Purification Chamber into 1 Iron Clump.


You can combine 8 Iron Dust with 1 Cobblestone to make 1 Iron Ore using a Combiner.

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