MFFS Capacitor: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 02:06, 3 March 2013

MFFS Capacitor

Modular Force Field System


Storage/Distribution Machine


A wooden pickaxe or better is required to mine this block


Yes (64)


MFFS Force Energy Crystal Ender Pearl MFFS Force Energy Crystal Capacitor
Basic Circuit Coal Generator Basic Circuit
MFFS Force Energy Crystal Ender Pearl MFFS Force Energy Crystal

The MFFS Capacitor is used to store Force Energy and distribute it to the machines that need it.

How To Use

Simply connect it to a MFFS Extractor for it to receive Force Energy, and then connect it to the machines that need Force Energy.


  • Right-clicking it with a Blank MFFS Card sets the card to the capacitor that was clicked. Installing the card into other machines links them to the specified Capacitor.
  • Can store Force Energy for later use.
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