Briman0094: Difference between revisions

Created page with "Briman0094 is the current lead developer and maintainer of Assembly Line. He is also working on two other non-Universal-Electricity mods, [["
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Briman0094 is the current lead developer and maintainer of [[Assembly Line]]. He is also working on two other non-Universal-Electricity mods, [[|MineForver]] (a high-tech security mod) and [[|Item Search]].
Briman0094 is the current lead developer and maintainer of [[Assembly Line]]. He is also working on two other non-Universal-Electricity mods, [ MineForever] (a high-tech security mod) and [ Item Search].

Latest revision as of 22:41, 17 March 2013

Briman0094 is the current lead developer and maintainer of Assembly Line. He is also working on two other non-Universal-Electricity mods, MineForever (a high-tech security mod) and Item Search.

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